Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A better place. For now.

Recently, I experienced a liberation of my heart. Like being unshackled from chains and weights. The darkness of unfairness and resentment seemingly driven away by God’s light shining in. What else could have done it?  

Around the same time, I am starting to read the book “The Envy of Eve” by Melissa B. Kruger, which was written for Christian women, focusing on the issue of covetousness. It was not easy to come to terms with my own sinfulness, but there it is, covetousness at work within me.
Inwardly, I feel like I am at a better place. No doubt, my external circumstances have not changed – fruitlessness, sadness, and disappointment prevail. However, my resentment towards others – Gone? Lessened? (Obviously I speak without confidence, and fear that the bad guys will come tumbling in again...)

Will I always remain this way? I think I know the track record of Man well enough to know the answer. But for now, I shall write and remember His goodness. I shall remember that while the many other ‘blessings’ are good, God’s blessing in the form of Jesus Christ is the ultimate one that I need and already have. May He use us, with or without those good things, to love and serve His people.

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